Perhaps the gentlest alternative healing therapy in the world, Reiki is a form of energy healing developed in early twentieth-century Japan, Reiki is rapidly breaking into conventional medicine because of its ease of use, its immediate benefits, and, perhaps most important, the element of care for self and others inherent in the practice.
For those who seek guidance in bringing Reiki into practical use, Swami Ramesh Chandra Shukla's ‘A Handbook of Reiki’ is bound to become an indispensable friend. Considered by many to be the country's foremost Reiki expert, he introduces the newcomer to the world of Reiki; offers descriptions and details how individuals can treat themselves and others.
Through seven chapters, the author describes the preparations, healing methods, Medians, Aura & Chakras, Hand positions to heal self & others, Short & Group treatment, Emotions & their locations, Energy exercise and Techniques and tips. To boost your energy at all levels, be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.
Author's Description
Swami Ramesh Chandra Shukla was a renowned Yoga Guru, Reiki Grand Master, Spiritual Healer and Author of books on Reiki, Kundalini and Yoga. He is a true Vedantin, Theosophist, Osho Sanyasin and Kriya Yoga Sadhak. His Yoga Centre was established in Lucknow in 1997 and is widely known across the world. Swamiji has been awarded by the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly for his notable and rare contributions in the field of Yoga.
Country Of Origin :- India